D&A: Broken Story #1

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D&A: Working for Godot

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D&A: Loyalty 2

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D&A: Damn employees

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D&A: Hungry like the wulf

I guess it's early for those self referential industry reflections, but hey, try saying it five times fast!
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My blog: Philosopher Gamer

D&A: Theft 2, electric boogaloo

This scales up to obscene wealth, as opposed to say people who have some money and goods, but you know, sometimes their children die from some preventable desease and sometimes they miss meals and such. Technically in that case there is an exchange - the rich have their goods protects and in exchange the poor have their meagre goods protected.

Of course, it's a forced deal though. Because people think stealing is inherently wrong, and thus they keep supporting the armed forced trade of something for nothing, or practically nothing.
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My blog: Philosopher Gamer

D&A: Theft

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My blog: Philosopher Gamer

D&A: It's ironic they are called 'controllers'

It's ironic we call them controllers, when they have no control, isn't it?
(Well, that's a joystick actually)
(Shush, you!)
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D&A: Your free because I told you you are

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D&A: Slay you love me

Makes ya think, donut?

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D&A: Drinks

Have you been there too?

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D&A: Schrödinger's cat

Ah, the first entry. God have mercy on souls and all that...

